Freiwilligentag (volunteer day)

Since 2004, the Volunteer Agency has organised the annual Jena Volunteer Day with several hundred participants who become active throughout the city on one day in September. Our day of action supports hands-on projects in clubs, daycare centres and senior citizens' facilities and provides an insight into the diversity of voluntary work, conveys a new image of volunteering and motivates people to get involved and "try it out".

In 2023, our Volunteer Day is planned for Saturday, 16 September. Further information will be published here in due time.

Through Volunteer Day, we have gained many volunteers and we are very grateful for that! Without this mediation, we would not be able to implement many of our ideas and projects, as we do not manage to look for volunteers ourselves in our daily work.

Wenke Brosch
Director of the "Friedensberg" Children's and Youth Home

Impressions 2024

Project funding

We thank our supporters and partners.